Iodine based tablets

Iodine based Water Purification Tablets
Productname Regulations Treatment Shelf life Amount Doses Cost per quart
Potable Aqua® Drinking Water Germicidal Tablets
EPA 30 minutes 4 years 1 x 50 tablets = 25 quarts 1 tablet \ 0,5 quarts water $0.26
Potable Aqua® Plus neutralizing tablets
EPA 30 minutes 1 x 50 tablets 1 tablet neutralizes 2 tablets of Potable Aqua $0.33
Coghlan’s 7620 Drinking Water Tablets
EPA 79533-1-37257
EPA 79533-WI-1
30 minutes 4 years 1 x 50 tablets = 50 quarts 1 tablets \ 1 quart water $0.17
Coghlan’s Drinking Water Treatment (tablets and nutralizer)
EPA 79533-1-37257
EPA 79533-WI-1
30 minutes 4 years 1 x 50 tablets = 50 quarts
1 x 50 nutralizer tablets
1 tablets \ 1 quart water $0.19
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