Potable Aqua

Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets
Productname Regulations Treatment Shelf life Amount Doses Cost per quart
Potable Aqua® Drinking Water Germicidal Tablets (Iodine based tablets)
EPA 30 minutes 4 years 1 x 50 tablets = 25 quarts 1 tablet \ 0,5 quarts water $0.26
Potable Aqua® Plus neutralizing tablets
EPA 30 minutes 1 x 50 tablets 1 tablet neutralizes 2 tablets of Potable Aqua $0.33
Potable Aqua Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Tablets
4 hours 4 years 1 x 20 tablets 1 tablet \ 1 quart water $0.48
Potable Aqua Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Tablets
4 hours 4 years 1 x 30 tablets 1 tablet \ 1 quart water $0.41

Comparison of Water Purification Tablets
Trying to find the right water purification tablets?
The water purification tablets comparison table will help you in making the right decision in buying the best water purification tablets for your needs.
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